Legal Notice


Website owner and publisher :

The french law company « AZTELUSSO », SASU with a shared capital of 50 000 €, whose registration number is 882 736 929 (french registration “RCS” - Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris).

Director of publication and Data manager:

Mme Adriana Abascal on behalf of the company Aztelusso

Identification (Siret) : 882 736 929 00010

Registration number : 4642Z

Intra-community VAT : FR25882736929

Head office :


58 AV FOCH 75116 PARIS

Tel :  01 42 79 02 82

Email addresses :

General/commercial info :

Legal and privacy matters :
Opening hours : All claims are received and completed from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m to 19 p.m.

Host :

The website is hosted by Shopify, Canadian company, with head office located in26 York St. Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5 - Canada.

Website creation: The website has been created by the web agency Enjoycreativ.